- - K I M B E R L Y - -

~ 29 June.
~ Deyi Secondary 2010

I ♥ :
- Bears, iPod.
- SHINee - SNSD - B2ST - Super Junior - 2PM
- 2AM - Kara - T-ara - Big Bang - Teen Top
- Infinite - Co-ed school && many more.

Strictly A KPOPper . :D

Sunday, 23 May 2010

"its eu, eu are the one"

Pls say that, i noe, its very obvious && eu are jus runnin away frm it..

-no idea what i did or whatsoever, lazy to recall, so yea. Oso no one reads my posts, post oso no use..

- Tuitioned @ UJ's. Damn it man. He dun let me say finish. Walk home. Kinda of silence that tye. Idk why, felt to loneliness in me although Joontong is beside me but i jus dun feel like tokin.. Teared a lityle i oso duno why..
I prefer that one..
Then went for facial, hahs, yeah. Then went for dinner, wah siah. Cousins are alll so fun~ fun fun fun. Want for jie jie to upload pics so i can grab all! Muahahaha! (:

- chem tuition. Then shopped ard Bishan. Ate Swensen's. Woots. Hahs. Then after that shopped ard. I bought a pair of new sch shoes. And five shirt markers. Total of $23.80. Sniff. Thanks dad. (: hehe. Then trained alone to Amk, met up wif vic and went tuition. Chat and chat. Do homework. Good news. I havn finish chi, bad news, hand in tmr. But tmr gt the emergency drill. Make it fun man. Dun wan anyone borin thing siah. Hahas. Another week to 0 levels.. 5 more weeks to my birthdayy. Hahs. Random. But i cnt wait for June holidayss. Relaxx!! (: hahas.

Its late now, gtg. 1 plus now. Teeheee. Bye!

Cant eu say it? I think i like eu already!