Dont ever be sad about what you had lost but be happy about what you have now and will have in the future. Everything in life is a blessing or can be blessing in disguise. Be positive and everything will turn out just fine. Happiness doesn't depend on what happens outside of you, but on the inside of you.
- - K I M B E R L Y - -
~ 29 June.
~ Deyi Secondary 2010
I ♥ :
- Bears, iPod.
- SHINee - SNSD - B2ST - Super Junior - 2PM
- 2AM - Kara - T-ara - Big Bang - Teen Top
- Infinite - Co-ed school && many more.
Strictly A KPOPper . :D
Friday, 25 June 2010
Chapter Three
Lindy? Its just pure imagination or had she really become a part of my life when she sat next to me. I was uneasy beside her. All I could was to give her my awkard smile. Throughout the whole of English Lit, i was thinking about the dream I had. It seemed to be telling me about something, it seemed real, in fact very real. Why can I recall the dream? What makes me remember the dream? I wrote down every single detail of the dream :
Dream I had... creepy.
This girl, Lindy, ghost or human?
Appeared in my dreams , in Lenard's letter. Hit my head with a baseball bat, smile at me.
Appeared like magic in reality.Lindy Kanes. My classmate, my partner, the girl sitting beside. Oh my oh my.
As i scribbled down my dream busily, Mrs Popper just had to mess with me.
Pop: Tristin, would you like to explain the passage on page 242?
Obviously i wasnt even paying attention to Mrs Popper. I tried to cover it by murmuring some gibbish hoping she would pick on another person. Just then, Lindy passed a note to me secretly, i looked down on the table and read it aloud.
Pop: very good. Now, where was I?
Mrs Popper went on with her lesson. I managed a smile at Lindy. The Acegang started to whispered to each other. Jo sent down a mass msg :
-Did u guys c dat? Lindy helped Dumbass Trist before she was popped off.
- Hey, what do eu mean DUMBASS? Its kinda of awkard for me to sit beside her, im sufferin!
- relax, just bear another 4 hours girl. Not like you hvn beared that long before..
- yeah, you managed to put up with Beatrice last time.
- Shut up.
End of our conversation.
4 hours? Helen is right. I had managed to put up with Beatrice the last time. I will do it this time. Beatrice was a show-off girl who brats about how rich and lucky she is and blah blah blah.
- Hows school dear?
I recieved a text from Lenard!
- bad. Tell eu abt it ltr, anyway does Lindy sounds familiar to eu?
- Not really. Why?
- Hmm. New transfered girl. Sittin beside
me. Kinda of awkard. ( told him about the
dream) ya dats abt it.
- Hahaha, cool. Did you made it up?
Kidding. Dont worry ok? Its just a dream.
Gotta go for a stage performance now. Tell
Your friend i said hi. (L)
- (: (L)
Great, now Lenard is going to think that i am sensitive.
I could not hold back a yawn when the new trainee teacher, Miss Kolin mumbered through her lessons. I rest my head on the table and slowly dozed off to sleep...
"Stay away from me!!" I heard a girl screing at the end of a long dark corridor. As i was struggling whether to go forward,
"Tristin! save me!"
Immediately I recongised the voice, it was Rachel !
"RACHEL!" i shouted and ran towards the sound.
"Rachel? Where are you? Answer me! Where are you?" i tried to stay in touch with her but there was no respone.
I stopped. I froze. There she was, lying motionless on the ground. A figure moved behind the curtains right in front of me. I dashed forward and grabbed its arm.
"What are you doing?"
" Mindy! Rachel... "
We walked towards the place where i last saw Rachel's body.. It seemed to be a long walk back to her. It was gone. I turned to Mindy, she vanished !
" Mindy? Rachel? Mindy! Min... Helen, Jolyn, what are you guys doing here?"
They just turned to me like dead zombies, staring blankly at me. A cold chill went down my spine. Screams started to sound down the hallway.
"Where is this place? MINDY? RACHEL?"
I turned around and saw Rachel floating in the air and dashing towards me with furry in her eyes. I screamed and ran. I ran as fast as i could. I reached for a door and hide behind it. Then i saw Lindy, standing about five metres away from me, looking at me and grinning.
" Who are you? What do you want from me?"
" Me? I am your worst nightmare. "
She hissed and began to float in the air, i tried to open the door but in vain. I am trapped. She dashed towards me just like how Rachel did a few moments ago. I screamed.
I sat back right up on my chair. My scream must shocked everyone in the class as everyone turned to look at me as if i am a zoo animal. My face turned as red like a tomato. The whole class burst into laughter, except the Acegang and Lindy. The Acegang looked as if they knew what i had saw in my dreams.
" Its just the beginning... "
Shyt man. Sch is startin in a weekend time. Haix. Hahas. But i am proud to say i love partial fractions of amaths! Hahahas! Amaths. Eu din expect that right. Hahahas!
- I used to be negative, i will try to stay positive like i had promised. Will i be able to make it?