- Everday is a brand new day
Just be happy!
Haven been updating since the 11 July. Hehe. I had fun, happy and stressed memories.
Prelim is coming. And days are numbering. My heart is telling me to go for it but irony my brain tells me fear.
Plus the fact that i have a weak immune system. I am gonna get ill very easily.
Anyways congrats to CORIN JIAMIN WENNING HUIMIN VICKY SHENGHWEE for entering DPA first round. :D
I will be the next one right? Just pray and believe. (:
내일 필요가 일어나 그렇게 수학 시험 및 오늘에 이른 숙제가 많아요. 울지의 함성
I am so damn tired. But i hve to hang on right? I have to. Days are nearer. I dun wan to regret but how can i? I must tick of tiredness and laziness. I shall quit sleeping and revise more work. Hehe. Many tests are all rushing like mad cows towards us. Soooooo we are just gonna do our best huh. I might not be able to take in everything . Sometimes i might throw a fit. I am sorry to those ard me. I just cant hold in anymore and i dun wan to give in anymore.
TT I hope my DPA would be successful.. He will guide me thrgh right? He will shower His love on me and help me like He had helped my friends right? I really need to reply on Him nowadays because I definately not strong enough to be emotional independence. I am sorry. :( biyaneh.