Been thinking a lot about life these days. Yups, you might think i got nothing to do. Duh, it's true. I really got nth to do. Speaking of work, really got me upset. They are super irresponsible and very urgh. Forget it, i hope i can change outlet after the training period. 5 h left.. Juliana! Change with me!
Have been reading the bible and quotes frm tumblr and twitter and guess what. I think i might be able to understand life better. You know, i actually think it is useful to me and it does a big impact on my MINDSET. ( yah, thats the reason why i tittled this post as - Mindset )
Mindset is a very scary thing. It changes everything in a second and make you believe it. Never take it as a joke or take it for granted. You will just regret. As easy as ABC. Actually, changing your mindset is equally as easy as ABC. why do i say so? Hmm. You might wonder, but as long you put in faith and you believe in yourself, have confidence, it's enough. However, believe in the right things.
There are many things in life taht we fewl that is unfair towards us, but if we think differently, it's a whole new thing! It's amazing.
Dont ever be sad about what you had lost but be happy about what you have now and will have in the future. Everything in life is a blessing or can be blessing in disguise. Be positive and everything will turn out just fine. Happiness doesn't depend on what happens outside of you, but on the inside of you.
I love the para on top, at least it is very meaningful to me^^
I am a very sentimental person , not to mention emotional, i tend to fall into deeper depths than people, but if i can pull myself up and had a changed mindset, i dont see why you people cant do it. Is not " I CAN NOT! " but rather it's " I DO NOT WANT TO! " see, mindset again.
We are all gifted in a special way. We must not take these gifts for granted. Neither shld we abuse it. [: