O Levels is finally over, but somehow I feel that i got nothing to do at home. HaH ! I dont want to clean my room yet, L A Z Y. provided my room is M E S S Y. YaH. HaH !
Alright, starting work on the 29 Nov. Hmm..
I must really get use to the place and the people there... Grr. HaH !
Anyways, I am Proud of myself, I have no regrets for the efforts put in for Os except Physics. -.-
I dont know what to post, but i already posted quite a length(?) .
Oh, I am going class chalet tomorrow. (: YaY ! Will definitely have fun there provided Dearest is able to make it, doubt so though.. anyway, amazing people there to have fun too.
During O level period, i got closer to two people, they are so fun (: HeH ! Love hanging out with them also. Jokes and Mugging. Miss those time where we decide on where to eat, when to meet. HaH ! Yet, times flies.
Ouch, i am sentimental though. To think that, 4 years just flew pass like that. S H O C K.
Still, somehow, remember the first time I step into Deyi, was thinking, why the heck is the uniform B L U E. somehow. I miss Blue now. HaH ! so fast and i am labelled as "school-less" now. HeH ! I guess everyone grew up and changed a lot. for me, i used to type you as "eu". somehow, i feels weird typing "eu" right now, i prefer "you". Attitude and thinking also changed for me. HaH ! is totally different, i guess is call M A T U R E. able to meet awesome friends along the way. I am thankful and happy too. I got to know more people and then have fun with them, even though some of us might not be close , however, i still feel happy meeting you, without anyone, i thiink my life would be different, from quitting band to joining choir. from secondary one to secondary four, truly, i learnt a lot. ( wait, i just stated i got nothing to blog about . LoL -.- these somehow pop into my mind though )
From the moment i am posted into E10, i think that's when my life changed (?) . to much happier and active in class though. HaH ! good or bad thing, the teachers said i am too talkative. OMGAWH. but i am still not as noisy compared to others. HaH !
Well, I seriously cant wait for tomorrow. Hmm.. HaH !
I guess this is why, i am so excited. even typing down, i am feeling excited. crazy or what.
// Thank you Father for bringing me through these times, regardless Emotional or Happy moments, thank you for all these, for they made me grew from there. they made me much stronger on every rocky path. Thank you. //
Going to make passport later though. HaH ! Might be going Bugis too... SHOULD I BUY MORE CLOTHES? or should i get one more closet...
WHATEVER IT IS, I WANT TO BUY THINGS WHEN I GO OUT. HaH ! waste money (?) nononononoooo. HaH ! :D